Internet Lounge

02.24.2017 – 05.26.2017
Music continues to be instrumental in my development. Sounds help to influence and shape my identity. The ability to listen to both the regular and irregular forms is unique. Being able to pay attention to the movements created between the mind/body + space/time as they mix, together is even, more interesting. It is entertaining to hear as they all compete to help refine visuals to reflect on. Attempting to find the sources of action and reaction, understanding these thoughts and how they produce an ever-changing form of energy is continuous. I routinely see new ways to concentrate on the most important parts, how they work together, and frequently search for original concepts of mental gratification for enjoyment.

The vGallery is beginning to take shape and continues to evolve. The concept is basically, an attempt at recreating the idea of a Lounge online as an addition to the Gallery + Office/Studio. At the moment, I am working to understand all the components and how it could function in an internet setting. The private, stream is an Icecast server built with the ability to either mix or play live music. It’s not, about the number of listeners, it is more about the experience one finds in a comfortable environment. A place to reflect and think about the work. This EXHIBITION there is a mix of a Midbrow Art style with some Rare Grooves from 1980 – 1989 for the opening night, it is hit or miss after that. Stay tuned for upcoming events!

The music is provided, by MK2, and the song is titled The Darkness. The program was created, with a VJ program called GLMixer and some additional plugins.
Made from an old metal cabinet originally used to store lawn and garden supplies. There may be some residue on the interior of the pieces, but it was cleaned thoroughly with a power washer. The exterior is dirty white and could easily be painted to your liking if you want although I like it plain. The shapes were cut using net, patterns. W 62″ X H 18″ and sits 16″ from the wall. If you need further dimensions for each portion, please let me know. It is surrounded by snowflakes in case you were wondering.
Closing Statement
Published: Friday, 26 May 2017 17:15 Last revision 08.03.2017
Comprehensibly understanding the dimension of sound within a virtual environment may have been a bit too great of an expectation to walk away with after seeing the exhibition. There were many components from a Virtual Art Wall, Private Live Streaming Radio, VJ Loops, and a Sound Sculpture in a Café setting. My main, objective was to show the mix of these ideas and present the concept of sound also as sculpture in some way to display this existence between nature, and the mechanical spheres. From the ancient to the futuristic, these lines of force exist producing thoughts that help with nurturing us in our daily lives.
I have often wondered about mixing artwork with music. There seems to be a real disconnect between the two. One either competes with the other or is completely separated from the other. Only a few times have I seen it work together. Trying to understand thinking in a virtual environment was a good learning ground. To take apart some of the creative I already produced, from previous exhibits and have a chance to review all the work, then attempt to put it back together again for something new was just what I needed.
The human relationship, with music, is so extraordinary. It is as if the body itself can be an instrument. Much, of our lives, have been influenced by songs, lyrics, rhythms, and events. All of this help to shape our education, opinion, and expression. The main storyline is of trends and how these moments evolve the scene. This blend of passions and emotions plays an important, role as each new reflection gets made.
Finding the healing qualities of sound, that connect to memories of different times and spaces is quite fascinating. As I listen, I continue to grow with more knowledge than before.