Biz-Zine No.1
January – May
After many years in the making, I am finally getting around to producing a Zine. It’s basically, going to be a gray market/strategic art pub, downloadable and printable from a home printer. My goal is to make at least one a year, consisting of about 20 pages. The content will entail various images, supported by graphics and technical writing about them. It should be just a bit more provoking than your average business magazine, concentrating mainly on strategic thinking and its relationship to the artwork. The plan now is to have it available in Q1 2018.
Modern Cliff Painting, 2017
Digital photograph with superimposed graphics
Biz-Zine No.1
The final version is now available for web viewing. Just click on the image for an enlarged visual and scroll through the gallery to see an example of each page. Just request a copy for a link to download.