03.18.2016 – 06.14.2016
The first EXHIBITION of the vGallery is the beginning of an experiment for developing a place online to showcase relevant projects worth exploring. The main concentration is to be the creation of an eCommerce site, that looks and feels like a real Gallery. Its functionality, ease of use, interactivity, and representation of artwork are the universal driving forces. This space should be used and seen as an extension of the work for archiving or remembering projects, almost if it were another part of the human anatomy.

Balance, 2007
The image is complex and raw. The center wore out hand-painted wooden trade advertisements depicting a fighting bull. Then to your left, a row of used car rims with a metal sign positioned just above is the word BALANCE and possibly an illegible translation underneath, unreadable. Again to your right, yet another sign but this time vertical, the word TIRE covered within a shadow from the upright pole, missing the letter S and hidden by a rusty old folded-up chair. Barely legible, the billboard NEW & USED just above with only a symbol and two letters in view, the rest covered with what looks to be an Aloe Vera plant, the ending ED. The observer may be left, with a subliminal and somewhat encrypted impression of the US, being TIRED of furthering their Education. One can’t help to wonder what are Hispanic Mechanics really, think about when they work on cars.

Auto Body Shop, 2007
The image is closed off and unapproachable, with the questionable chain-link barbed wire fence. Behind this almost gated barrier formation, hanging letters on the side of a retro garage are BODY SHOP. Even further backward and above, shown on a billboard is an Ad campaign. I think at the time it was for some Network or Channel promoting a new TV series, although I cannot be 100% sure. The creative is a comedic-like take on the Evolution of Mankind. From ape to an overweight human to some healthy, yellow guy. Misunderstood, not a bird in the sky. It feels abandoned like nothing wanted to fly that day. I believe it leaves the viewer easily confused. Just whose body are they referring to?
Closing Statement
Published: Tuesday, 14 June 2016 19:00 Last revision 07.27.2017
To date, most of my work has been concentrated in the study of architecture and sculpture, through B&W photography as a medium. Exploring the structure of the design and the built environment has been a good place to begin. As things developed an even better place to learn about space and the cities it is, occupied by. The past work started with the bigness of understanding the line and grew into being able to comprehend the abstract.
Now taking things even further, I have been attempting to understand more about the persons that also occupy these spaces and the influences of other living and mechanical things. This EXHIBITION was about exploring the ideas of the Philosophical, Scientific, and Technological aspects of the Organic Machine and its relevance to Artificial Intelligence. During the timeframe, I had a chance to configure a Virtual Gallery, Intranet, Extranet and a Supranet. As an attempt to sense more about the area I am existing in and the residual energy left behind. How my body interacts with the environment, atmosphere, and surroundings, to get a better understanding of my movements and issues with space and time.
After a crash course in Philosophy, Human Anatomy, Mathematical Concepts and various forms of Spiritual Teachings, I now have a clearer understanding of the duality that exists within my own body and mind. The continuing struggle of these forces, and how it relates to the spirit is a way to a better definition of the soul. This life is a non-stop internal and external conflict in a larger world mixed with its occasional harmonious moments. I realize now, more than ever, I am in a constant battle of holding on to my own identity, as I am forced to compete in an incomprehensible exponential pattern of learning and thought.
Although I have just barely touched some of the components in the thousands of years of discussion about our existence, I realize that the concept of continuous training, learning and relearning through my failures and successes are going to be apart of me as I move forward throughout my life. Even with machines that can out think and maneuver its way ahead of my thoughts I have my experiences, memories, visuals, and sounds, to interpret information. With these new tools and data, I hope to be better prepared to communicate my ideas within an uncertain future. To further present the essence of my passions, emotions and thought process, through my work.